Anet Duncan
Daughter of a painter, she always has been painting and drawing. Her life is as a painter and she never has seen herself in any other profession. She finds inspiration working, alone in her studio or listening to music.
Her first show was in Dunkirk, France, many years ago and since then she is having shows in France and Spain on a regular basis. In June 2013 she showed her work in Casa Elizalde in Barcelona and in April 2014 she shows her work in the Quiosc Gallery en Tremp.
Besides many shows, he has won many awards: A small selection is: IX Premio de pintura Honda 2007, Premio Centelles, LXII edición, mención Honorifica.
Premio Salou de investigación Pictórica, 1er premio Ceferino Olivé Reus, 2003.
Her work can be defined as poetic abstract and consists of painting, watercolour and sculptures.
It is said that the work of Anet makes you feel peaceful when you look at it.