Our next artfair

PontArte will take part in the Kunst en Antiek Weekend in Naarden, the Netherlands from the 27th till the 31st of January.  

With over 60 art galleries and dealers the fair is well-known in the Naarden area for the last 17 years.

You can visit us at stand 43. Please let me know if you would like to receive an invitation.



Fiona Weedon – Falling Light

Falling Light. Werken van Fiona Weedon.

In recent work by Fiona Weedon (UK)you see lakes, wetlands and water. However a startingpoint and end point can´t be detected. You find yourself centrally positioned in the art work. This is not new in the work of Fiona, In her previous work  there are almost see abstract cityscapes of Barcelona and even in her smaller works, such as the series of intimate landscapes, you get to walk through a recognizable landscape itself, but also an imaginary one.

The exhibit “Falling Light” is named after a diptych that will be exhibited at Pont Arte in Maastricht.

Fiona Weedon

Fiona Weedon lives and workes both in England and in Barcelona. She has very successfully exhibited in the United States, the UK and Spain. She holds a Masters title from the Chelsea School of Fine Arts (London) and her work can be found in many private and corporate collections.



Mario Pasqualotto: G8/750 estels – La Volta Celeste

G8/750 Estels

La Volta Celeste

G8/750 stars is the title of the exhibition of Mario Pasqualotto at the museum L´Harmonia in l´Hospitalet, Barcelona. From the 19th of November 2015 till the 10th of January 2016 18 works will be shown for the first time to the public.

Inspiration  for the exhibition is the Csrovegni chapel in Padua, Italy. Giotto painted his frescos between 1303 and 1305, showing the life of the Virgin Mary. It´s exceptional ceiling in ultra-marine blue and gold are the starting point of this very subtle modern version of the chapel.

The exposition can be visited from the 20th of November 2015 until the 10th of January 2016. More information can be found in the leaflet (Pasqualotto G8/750)

Or at www.museul-h.cat

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Marc Prat, Absis print

Marc Prat

print on Hahnemühle paper, 40 x 40 cm (60 x 60 cm including white boarders).
edition of 50, printed at Art Print Residence

€ 250,-

To celebrate our 2nd artfair and the big success Marc Prat had during the first fair, we have prepared a special offer. Marc has worked in a print, signed and with an edition of 50, from the Absis. The size is 40 x 40 cm (60 x 60 cm including white boarders).

For all that sign up for the print before the 27th of October the price is 220,- instead of 250,-

Please send an email to Marieke@pontarte.com for more information.


Artist Copyright – All works of art within this web site are protected under Spanish law, international conventions and U.S. copyright laws. No portion of the artists works or statements may be used, downloaded, reproduced using any means, copied, linked to, or transferred electronically, without prior written permission from the artist or PontArte.


PontArte will be at the Affordable Art Fair in Amsterdam!

From the 28th of October until the 1st of November we will be showing work at the Affordable Art Fair in Amsterdam!

After a succesful fair in Maastricht in April we will also join the Affordable Art Fair in Amsterdam.

A pre view of the works that will be shown at the fair can be found in this pdf AAF Amsterdam Artwork PontArte 2015.

If you would like to visit us, please contact us for an invitation by sending a note to marieke@pontarte.com.

For more information about the AAF, click herer: http://affordableartfair.com/amsterdam

See you in Amsterdam!




Work: Anet Duncan,

Amb la ma esquerra, 2014

90 x 90 cm

Summer 2015 Newsletter available

Summer 2015 Newsletter available

Last weeks of PontArte in Alella!

As of August 2015 PontArte has continued its activities in Maastricht, the Netherlands. All works are ready to move to Maastricht, including works from artists that are not yet to be seen in Maastricht; Mario Pasqualotto, Anet Duncan, Gabriele Fettolini and Carlos Puyol. To read more, click on this link:http://eepurl.com/btcHyT

For Barcelona, we will inform you trough our newsletter about our activities there, because we believe that the proximity of buying locally continues to have its value



Studio visits June 2015!

PontArte ready for the AAF

We are ready for our first art fair.

From the 15th till the 19th of April you can visit us at stand A15 at the Affordable Art Fair in Maastricht.

Works from Josep María Codina, Marc Prat, Teresa Pera, Alberto Romero, Ana Garcia and Fiona Weedon will ensure it is the most beautiful stand at the fair.

If you would like to visit the stand, please contact me for an invitation.


Opening Maastricht

On the 21st of November we opened our doors in Maastricht. An overwhelming number of people came to have a look and enjoyed the artwork, cava, tapas and the nice company. For 3 days we welcomed over 70 people. Below an overview of the 3 days.

We hope to see you all back soon!


Opening PontArte Maastricht, Netherlands