Green in Art

To open the new season in a fresh way, this time no solo show from one artist but a number of works selected around 1 theme:

“Green in art”

It is a selection of works in which the colour green is dominant. For some artists and viewers it has a direct relationship to nature and landscapes, For others it is the colour of hope.

Or, in the words of Wikipedia:
“Green associates with fresh and cool, with nature. For some it is the colour of hope and peace.”

Opening: Saturday afternoon September 10th, 16.00 hrs at the Oranjeplein 203, Maastricht. As always with drinks and some bites and lively conversations about Green!

Studio visits April 2016

The last week of April was dedicated to visiting studios in Barcelona. On top of our artists in portfolio we have visited a few other studios. We will inform you about this shortly…

Below you find a slideshow from the visits, in which we selected new work. From smaller, easy to order online works to BIG works. Huge canvases from Teresa Pera and Marc Prat you can see on the photos.

Also there is a glimpse of Carlos Puyol´s new studio in Poble Nou where you can see there is room for big bright works.

Enjoy the photos and if you would like to see more, don´t hesitate to call me!



Summer 2015 Newsletter available

Summer 2015 Newsletter available

Last weeks of PontArte in Alella!

As of August 2015 PontArte has continued its activities in Maastricht, the Netherlands. All works are ready to move to Maastricht, including works from artists that are not yet to be seen in Maastricht; Mario Pasqualotto, Anet Duncan, Gabriele Fettolini and Carlos Puyol. To read more, click on this link:

For Barcelona, we will inform you trough our newsletter about our activities there, because we believe that the proximity of buying locally continues to have its value



Studio visits June 2015!

Opening PontArte Maastricht, Netherlands

Studio Visit Marc Prat

Studio Visit Anet Duncan May 28th

Newsletter #4

The new newsletter is available with detailed information on the 2nd Studio Visit on the 28th and 29th of March.

Join us to visit the studio of Josep Maria Codina and see his latest work.

Also we have added Anet Duncan and Fiona Weedon to the portfolio available on the web and you find some new works of Marc Prat. Find out about these artists and if you would like to see more, contact me.

Newsletter #2 published

The 2nd Newsletter is available here with detailed information on the 1st Studio Visit on the 14th and 15th of February.

Join us to visit the studio of two of our artists: Ana Garcia and Alberto Romero. The moment you enter the studio you will feel the concentration when they work, there will be time to meet them and to discuss their work and see what they are working on right now. In addition, for this event we will have number of selected works available in the studio during the event with a special price on 14 and 15 February.

PontArte in Bonart online magazine

This week the opening of PontArte also was noticed by Bonart. A renowed Art magazine in Catalonia.

to read the article, click here: