Doors and Windows is the 2nd solo exhibition from the Spanish Visual Artist Oriol Texidor at PontArte in Maastricht
The artist Oriol Texidor works since 2014 on his “Immersion Series”. In which the same silhouette is surrounded differently, over and over again.
Texidor works with color; texture; materials and size to let us discover a new view on a same figure.
He is presenting Immersio nr 214 to approximatly nr 270 in Maastricht this fall, the newest works from the series, that range from large to small small, and have in common that they are all three dimensional.
The exhibition can be seen from the 9th of November to the 5th of December 2019 at PontArte in Kapoenstraat 29 in Maastricht.
The opening will take place on Saturday November 9th at 16.00 in the gallery. Oriol Texidor will be present at the opening.
With the exhibition a catalogue will be published