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Green in Art

To open the new season in a fresh way, this time no solo show from one artist but a number of works selected around 1 theme:

“Green in art”

It is a selection of works in which the colour green is dominant. For some artists and viewers it has a direct relationship to nature and landscapes, For others it is the colour of hope.

Or, in the words of Wikipedia:
“Green associates with fresh and cool, with nature. For some it is the colour of hope and peace.”

Opening: Saturday afternoon September 10th, 16.00 hrs at the Oranjeplein 203, Maastricht. As always with drinks and some bites and lively conversations about Green!

Fiona Weedon – Falling Light

Falling Light. Werken van Fiona Weedon.

In recent work by Fiona Weedon (UK)you see lakes, wetlands and water. However a startingpoint and end point can´t be detected. You find yourself centrally positioned in the art work. This is not new in the work of Fiona, In her previous work  there are almost see abstract cityscapes of Barcelona and even in her smaller works, such as the series of intimate landscapes, you get to walk through a recognizable landscape itself, but also an imaginary one.

The exhibit “Falling Light” is named after a diptych that will be exhibited at Pont Arte in Maastricht.

Fiona Weedon

Fiona Weedon lives and workes both in England and in Barcelona. She has very successfully exhibited in the United States, the UK and Spain. She holds a Masters title from the Chelsea School of Fine Arts (London) and her work can be found in many private and corporate collections.



Studio Visit Anet Duncan May 28th

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