Tag Archive for: oriol texidor
Until the 15th of October: Oriol Texidor – Immersió
Oriol Texidor worked for 3 weeks in the Netherlands this summer and on Saturday the 9th of September he presented his work made during the residence at Caracola Space in Maastricht. Caracola is located in a wonderful old school building at the new green heart of Maastricht and is shared with het Werkhuis where on the 6th and 7th of September workshops for children and adults took place.
The work from Oriol can be seen at the Oranjeplein until the 15th of October. You can contact us for an appointement or visit on friday between 10 – 14 hrs and Saturdays from 16 – 19 hrs.
To see Oriol’s latest works online, please visit www.artsy.net or www.artsper.com